
Tongue Tie - Ankyloglossia Surgery Treatment in India

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Dr. Ashish Vashishth
Dr. Ashish Vashishth

Consultant - Otorhinolaryngology, Head And Neck And Cranial Base Surgery, Ear, Nose And Throat


Manipal Hospital, New Delhi

9 years

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Dr. Ashish Vashishth
Dr. Ashish Vashishth

Consultant - Otorhinolaryngology, Head And Neck And Cranial Base Surgery, Ear, Nose And Throat


Manipal Hospital, New Delhi

9 years


Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, and the tongue plays a crucial role in this process. However, for some individuals, a condition called ankyloglossia, commonly known as tongue tie, can hinder proper tongue movement, causing a range of challenges in speech, feeding, and oral health. This blog aims to shed light on ankyloglossia, exploring its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and the transformative impact of tongue tie release surgery. We will also discuss the cost of this procedure in India and how it can improve the quality of life for those affected.

Understanding Ankyloglossia

Ankyloglossia is a congenital condition where the band of tissue (lingual frenulum) beneath the tongue is shorter or tighter than usual, restricting the tongue's range of motion. This can cause various difficulties, particularly with breastfeeding in infants or speech and oral hygiene in both children and adults.

Symptoms of Tongue Tie

The symptoms of tongue tie can vary depending on its severity, and they may manifest in both infants and adults. In infants, some common symptoms include:

  1. Difficulty latching during breastfeeding
  2. Poor weight gain due to ineffective breastfeeding
  3. Fussiness and irritability during feeding
  4. Prolonged feeding sessions
  5. Unsettled behavior after feeding
  6. Difficulty sticking out the tongue beyond the lower front teeth

In older children and adults, the symptoms might include:

  1. Speech difficulties, such as pronouncing certain sounds like "t," "d," "z," or "r."
  2. Difficulty moving the tongue freely within the mouth, affecting proper oral hygiene and dental health.
  3. Limited tongue movement can lead to challenges with tasks like licking an ice cream cone or playing a wind instrument.

Causes of Tongue Tie

The exact cause of ankyloglossia is not always clear. It is usually considered to be a congenital condition, meaning it is present at birth. However, some studies suggest a possible genetic link, where infants are more likely to have tongue tie if their parents or siblings also have the condition.

Diagnosis of Ankyloglossia

Diagnosing tongue tie is typically done through a physical examination by a healthcare professional, often a pediatrician, dentist, or an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist. The practitioner will evaluate the range of motion of the tongue and assess the appearance of the lingual frenulum to determine if it is unusually short or tight.

In some cases, a more detailed examination using a tongue-tie assessment tool, such as the Hazelbaker Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function, might be used to grade the severity of the condition.

Treatment Options for Ankyloglossia

The treatment for tongue tie aims to improve tongue movement and alleviate associated difficulties. There are two primary treatment options for ankyloglossia: conservative management and surgical intervention.

  1. Conservative Management: In mild cases, conservative management techniques such as stretching exercises or speech therapy may be recommended. These exercises help to gradually loosen the lingual frenulum and improve tongue mobility.
  2. Surgical Intervention: If the tongue tie is causing significant difficulties with feeding, speech, or oral hygiene, surgical intervention may be considered. The procedure is called a frenotomy or frenulotomy, which involves cutting the lingual frenulum to release the restriction.

Tongue Tie Surgery - Procedure and Cost in India

Frenotomy is a relatively simple and quick procedure that can be performed in a clinic or hospital setting. It is often done without general anesthesia, and local anesthesia may be applied to numb the area to minimize discomfort. During the procedure, the healthcare professional uses a sterile scissors or laser to carefully cut the frenulum.

As for the cost of tongue tie surgery in India, it can vary depending on the location, the healthcare facility, and the expertise of the medical professional performing the procedure. On average, the cost of frenotomy in India can range from INR 5,000 to INR 20,000 (approximately USD 70 to USD 280).


Tongue tie, or ankyloglossia, is a condition that affects the mobility of the tongue and can lead to challenges with breastfeeding in infants and speech difficulties in children and adults. While it may initially cause concern for parents, understanding the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options can provide clarity and ease worries.

In cases where surgical intervention is required, the procedure for releasing the tongue tie is relatively simple, and the cost in India is generally affordable. If you suspect that you or your child may have ankyloglossia, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss appropriate management and treatment options.

Remember, early diagnosis and intervention can lead to improved quality of life and overall oral health, making it essential to stay informed and take action when necessary. With the right support and guidance, individuals with tongue tie can overcome their challenges and flourish.

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Tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a condition where the band of tissue (lingual frenulum) beneath the tongue is shorter or tighter than usual, restricting the tongue's range of motion. This can cause difficulties in infants during breastfeeding and affect speech and oral hygiene in both children and adults.
Babies with tongue tie might exhibit symptoms such as difficulty latching during breastfeeding, poor weight gain, fussiness during feeding, and an inability to stick out the tongue beyond the lower front teeth. If you notice these signs, it is crucial to consult a pediatrician or healthcare professional for an evaluation.
While the exact cause of ankyloglossia is not fully understood, some studies suggest a possible genetic link. Infants are more likely to have tongue tie if their parents or siblings also have the condition. However, it can also occur without any family history.
Diagnosing tongue tie is typically done through a physical examination by a healthcare professional, such as a pediatrician, dentist, or an ENT specialist. The practitioner will assess the range of motion of the tongue and evaluate the appearance of the lingual frenulum to determine if it is abnormally short or tight.
In mild cases of tongue tie, conservative management techniques such as stretching exercises or speech therapy may be recommended. These exercises aim to gradually loosen the lingual frenulum and improve tongue mobility. However, in more severe cases causing significant difficulties, surgical intervention may be necessary.
The surgical procedure for releasing the tongue tie, known as frenotomy or frenulotomy, is relatively simple and quick. It is often performed without general anesthesia, and local anesthesia may be applied to numb the area for reduced discomfort. The healthcare professional uses a sterile scissors or laser to cut the frenulum, allowing improved tongue movement.
The cost of tongue tie surgery in India can vary depending on factors like the location, healthcare facility, and the expertise of the medical professional performing the procedure. On average, the cost of frenotomy in India can range from INR 5,000 to INR 20,000 (approximately USD 70 to USD 280). However, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider to get an accurate estimate based on individual circumstances.

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