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Dr. Pablo Clavel Laria Neurosurgeon

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About Doctor

In Spain, Dr. Pablo Clavel Laria is a renowned neurology and neurosurgery expert. He founded the Instituto Clavel in Quironsalud, Barcelona, which specializes in the treatment of brain and spine problems. His objective is to deliver high-quality treatments to people who do not have access to the most up-to-date treatments for their conditions. His area of expertise is neuronavigation and robotic surgeries. Among his other talents, he can easily speak six languages including English, French, Catalan, Spanish, Russian and German.

After several years working in both public and private hospitals, in 2011 I decided to launch the creation of the Clavel Institute, today a reference center in spine surgery. My main impulses were the desire to create a high-quality professional project that would provide the best medicine to my patients.

Since then, I have been able to work alongside a united team made up of highly qualified professionals, always focused on finding the best solutions for spinal and skull pathologies, in which we are specialists. One of the values that define us is patient treatment, which we consider fundamental in our profession.

Instituto Clavel has also allowed me to create the Clavel Foundation, a project that makes the desire to help those who need it most come true. We carry out frequent missions to developing countries such as Ethiopia and among our objectives is to train doctors so that they can perform spinal and brain operations independently.

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