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Bilateral Orchidectomy Oncology

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Bilateral orchidectomy, also known as bilateral orchiectomy, is a surgical procedure involving the removal of both testicles. This surgery is primarily performed as a form of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer. The procedure aims to reduce the levels of testosterone, a hormone that fuels the growth of prostate cancer cells. Bilateral orchidectomy is considered an effective and irreversible method of androgen deprivation and is often recommended for patients who are not suitable candidates for other forms of ADT. This article provides a comprehensive overview of bilateral orchidectomy, including its indication, symptoms, causes, treatment, benefits, cost in India, and its significance in prostate cancer management.

Symptoms and Indications for Bilateral Orchidectomy:

Bilateral orchidectomy is indicated for patients with advanced prostate cancer, especially those with hormone-sensitive tumors. The procedure is considered when:

  • Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer: Bilateral orchidectomy is recommended as a primary treatment for advanced prostate cancer that is still responsive to hormone therapy.
  • Disease Progression: It is considered for patients with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer that has progressed despite hormone therapy.
  • Symptomatic Relief: Bilateral orchidectomy may be performed to provide rapid and effective symptomatic relief, especially in cases of pain, urinary obstruction, or spinal cord compression due to metastasis.
  • Unfit for Hormonal Therapy: Some patients may be unfit for long-term hormone therapy due to other medical conditions or adverse effects.

Causes and Risk Factors:

Prostate cancer is the primary cause necessitating bilateral orchidectomy. The exact cause of prostate cancer remains unclear, but several risk factors can increase the likelihood of developing the disease:

  • Age: The risk of prostate cancer increases with age, especially after the age of 50.
  • Family History: Men with a family history of prostate cancer, particularly in first-degree relatives, have a higher risk of developing the disease.
  • Ethnicity: Prostate cancer is more prevalent in men of African-American descent than in men of other ethnic backgrounds.
  • Diet and Lifestyle: A diet high in red meat and saturated fats, lack of physical activity, and obesity may contribute to an increased risk of prostate cancer.

Treatment: Bilateral Orchidectomy:

Bilateral orchidectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of both testicles. The surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia and can be done through a scrotal incision or using a subcapsular technique.

  • Scrotal Incision: In this method, a small incision is made in the front of the scrotum, and each testicle is removed separately.
  • Subcapsular Technique: In this approach, both testicles are removed through a single incision, which is made on the underside of the scrotum.

The procedure is relatively straightforward, and patients can usually return home on the same day or within a short hospital stay.

Benefits of Bilateral Orchidectomy:

Bilateral orchidectomy offers several benefits for patients with advanced prostate cancer:

  • Rapid Hormone Deprivation: Bilateral orchidectomy provides immediate and significant reduction in testosterone levels, leading to a rapid decrease in the growth of prostate cancer cells.
  • Symptomatic Relief: The procedure can provide quick relief from cancer-related symptoms, such as pain, urinary obstruction, and bone metastases.
  • Cost-Effective: Bilateral orchidectomy is a one-time surgical procedure, eliminating the need for ongoing hormonal medications and making it a cost-effective treatment option.
  • Reduced Risk of Non-compliance: Unlike hormonal medications, which require regular intake and may have side effects, bilateral orchidectomy ensures a continuous reduction in testosterone levels without concerns about patient non-compliance.
  • Irreversible Effect: The surgery's irreversible nature guarantees a continuous reduction in testosterone levels, reducing the risk of cancer recurrence.

Cost of Bilateral Orchidectomy in India:

The cost of bilateral orchidectomy in India can vary depending on several factors, including the hospital or medical facility, the surgeon's expertise, and the patient's overall health. On average, the cost of bilateral orchidectomy in India ranges from ?60,000 to ?1,50,000 or more.


Bilateral orchidectomy is a significant treatment option for patients with advanced prostate cancer who require androgen deprivation therapy. By surgically removing the testicles and reducing testosterone levels, bilateral orchidectomy effectively slows down the growth of prostate cancer cells and provides rapid symptomatic relief. This one-time surgical procedure offers several benefits, including cost-effectiveness, reduced risk of non-compliance, and an irreversible effect.

For patients with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer or those who are unfit for long-term hormone therapy, bilateral orchidectomy can provide an effective and rapid means of controlling cancer growth, alleviating symptoms, and improving their quality of life. It is essential for patients to have a detailed discussion with their healthcare team to understand the benefits and potential risks of bilateral orchidectomy and its significance in the management of advanced prostate cancer. India's advanced medical facilities and skilled healthcare professionals make it a viable destination for patients seeking bilateral orchidectomy, providing high-quality and cost-effective cancer care.

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