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Dr. Afif Kanj

Uni Emirat Arab

Spesialis Bedah Plastik

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    Jumlah Operasi
    20 bertahun-tahun


    An internationally recognised expert in aesthetic surgery of body and face, Dr. Afif Kanj is a specialist plastic surgeon, committed to excellence in surgical practice, patient care and results.

    As an accomplished plastic surgeon in the UAE and around the world, Dr. Afif spent almost 10 years in France to achieve his training in plastic and aesthetic surgery and also worked with renowned hospitals in the city. In Damascus, he practised his speciality at his own clinic, and also served as an important member for the Department of Reconstructive Surgery at the Hospital of Ministry of Health. With a pursuit to explore and advance his skills, Dr. Afif joined CosmeSurge in 2002 and has been an integral part of the Group since then.


    Dr. Afif Kanj adalah ahli bedah plastik bersertifikat dari Universitas Damaskus, Suriah. Beliau juga meraih gelar pasca sarjana di bidang Bedah Plastik, Rekonstruktif dan Estetika dari Universitas Nancy, Perancis.


    Dr. Afif Kanj has more than 20 years of experience in aesthetic and plastic surgery. He has extensive expertise in body contouring, hair transplant procedures, aesthetic breast surgery, liposuction and breast liposuction for men. He has been actively involved in research and investigations, and has dedicated his career to the practise of Aesthetic Surgery to provide cutting-edge solutions that can enhance and transform the lives of many.

    Offering innovations in non-surgical and surgical procedures, Dr. Afif weaves expertise, professionalism and trust while consulting with patients at CosmeSurge, Dubai.

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