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Chemotherapy for Oral Cancer: UAE Treatment Options

13 Nov, 2023

Blog author iconHealthtrip


Oral cancer, a devastating disease, affects thousands of people in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and worldwide. It's essential to understand the various treatment options available, with chemotherapy being one of the primary methods. This blog will delve into the specifics of chemotherapy as a treatment for oral cancer in the UAE, exploring the process, types, side effects, and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach.

Understanding Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment that uses drugs to kill or inhibit the growth of cancer cells. It is a crucial component of oral cancer treatment, often used in conjunction with surgery, radiation therapy, or other therapies.

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Types of Chemotherapy for Oral Cancer

Chemotherapy is a crucial component of oral cancer treatment, and various chemotherapy agents can be employed based on the specific characteristics of the cancer and the patient's overall health. Here are the primary types of chemotherapy used in the management of oral cancer:

1. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy involves the administration of chemotherapy drugs before the main treatment, such as surgery or radiation therapy. It is often used to shrink the tumor, making it more manageable for subsequent procedures. This approach can be particularly effective in reducing the size and aggressiveness of the cancer, facilitating successful surgical removal.

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2. Adjuvant Chemotherapy

Adjuvant chemotherapy is administered after the primary treatment, which may be surgery or radiation therapy. Its purpose is to target any remaining cancer cells that were not eliminated during the initial procedure. By doing so, adjuvant chemotherapy reduces the risk of cancer recurrence and improves the chances of long-term remission.

3. Palliative Chemotherapy

In cases where oral cancer is in advanced stages and cannot be cured, palliative chemotherapy comes into play. This form of chemotherapy is primarily focused on alleviating symptoms, slowing the cancer's progression, and enhancing the patient's quality of life. While it may not result in a cure, palliative chemotherapy can provide relief and comfort to patients.

4. Concurrent Chemoradiation

Concurrent chemoradiation is a treatment approach in which chemotherapy and radiation therapy are administered simultaneously. This combination can enhance the effectiveness of radiation therapy and increase the chances of eradicating cancer cells, especially in locally advanced oral cancers.

5. Targeted Chemotherapy

Targeted chemotherapy employs drugs that specifically target particular molecules or proteins involved in the growth and spread of cancer cells. These drugs can be more precise and may have fewer side effects compared to traditional chemotherapy, making them a valuable addition to the treatment arsenal.

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6. Adjuvant Targeted Therapy

Similar to adjuvant chemotherapy, adjuvant targeted therapy is given after the primary treatment, aiming to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence. Targeted therapies are designed to hinder specific cellular processes associated with cancer growth and are often used in conjunction with other treatment modalities.

7. Intra-arterial Chemotherapy

In some cases, chemotherapy drugs are directly administered into the arteries that supply blood to the tumor. This approach concentrates the chemotherapy at the tumor site, potentially increasing its effectiveness while reducing systemic side effects.

Side Effects of Chemotherapy in Oral Cancer Treatment

Chemotherapy is a powerful and effective treatment for oral cancer, but it often comes with a range of side effects that can vary from patient to patient. Understanding and managing these side effects is crucial for ensuring the well-being and quality of life of individuals undergoing chemotherapy. Here are some common side effects associated with chemotherapy in oral cancer treatment:

1. Nausea and Vomiting:

  • Nausea and vomiting are common side effects of chemotherapy.
  • Medications known as antiemetics can help manage these symptoms.

2. Fatigue:

  • Chemotherapy can cause extreme tiredness and fatigue.
  • Patients are advised to get adequate rest and engage in light physical activity to combat fatigue.

3. Hair Loss (Alopecia):

  • Some chemotherapy drugs may lead to partial or complete hair loss.
  • Hair loss is usually temporary, and hair typically regrows after treatment.

4. Mouth Sores (Mucositis):

  • Chemotherapy can irritate the lining of the mouth, leading to painful sores.
  • Proper oral hygiene and prescription mouth rinses can help alleviate this discomfort.

5. Weakened Immune System:

  • Chemotherapy can reduce the body's ability to fight infections, making patients more susceptible to illnesses.
  • Patients are advised to avoid crowded places and practice good hand hygiene.

6. Anemia:

  • Chemotherapy may lead to a decrease in red blood cells, causing anemia.
  • Anemia can result in fatigue, shortness of breath, and weakness and may require blood transfusions.

7. Neuropathy (Nerve Damage):

  • Some chemotherapy drugs can damage peripheral nerves, leading to symptoms like tingling, numbness, and weakness in the hands and feet.
  • Management may involve medications and physical therapy.

8. Changes in Taste and Appetite:

  • Chemotherapy can alter the sense of taste, causing food to taste metallic or different.
  • Maintaining proper nutrition is essential, and working with a dietitian can help address changes in appetite.

9. Digestive Problems:

  • Chemotherapy may lead to diarrhea or constipation.
  • Proper hydration and dietary adjustments can help manage these issues.

10. Skin and Nail Changes

  • - Skin can become more sensitive, dry, or discolored during chemotherapy.
  • - Nail changes, such as brittleness or color changes, are also possible

UAE Treatment Options for Oral Cancer

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) offers a range of treatment options for oral cancer, ensuring that patients have access to comprehensive and advanced care. Whether through public healthcare institutions or private hospitals, the UAE provides diverse treatment avenues for individuals diagnosed with oral cancer.

1. Public Healthcare Institutions

The UAE's public healthcare system ensures that residents have access to essential medical services, including the diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer. These services are often subsidized, making them affordable for UAE citizens and residents. Public healthcare institutions in the UAE, such as government hospitals and healthcare centers, provide the following services for oral cancer treatment:

  • Diagnosis and Staging: Early diagnosis and accurate staging of oral cancer are vital for treatment planning. Public healthcare facilities offer diagnostic services, including biopsies, imaging, and laboratory tests.
  • Surgical Interventions: Public hospitals are equipped to perform surgeries for oral cancer removal. This may include tumor excision, neck dissection, and reconstructive surgeries when required.
  • Radiation Therapy: Many public hospitals in the UAE offer radiation therapy as part of the treatment regimen for oral cancer.
  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is administered in public healthcare settings, either as neoadjuvant, adjuvant, or palliative treatment, depending on the patient's condition and the stage of the disease.
  • Supportive Care: Public institutions provide supportive care to manage treatment-related side effects and improve the quality of life for oral cancer patients.

2. Private Hospitals and Clinics

The UAE's private healthcare sector is highly developed and offers a wide range of services, including cutting-edge cancer care. Patients can opt for private hospitals, clinics, and cancer centers, which often provide advanced treatment options and personalized care. Private healthcare facilities in the UAE offer the following services:

  • State-of-the-Art Technology: Private hospitals are equipped with the latest medical equipment and technology, facilitating precise diagnoses and innovative treatment approaches.
  • Multidisciplinary Teams: Private healthcare institutions assemble multidisciplinary teams of healthcare professionals, including specialized oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, and support staff to provide comprehensive care.
  • Individualized Treatment Plans: Private healthcare facilities often tailor treatment plans to the specific needs of each patient, considering their medical history, cancer stage, and personal preferences.
  • International Expertise: Many private hospitals in the UAE attract internationally renowned oncologists and cancer specialists, ensuring patients have access to world-class medical expertise.
  • Patient Comfort: Private healthcare centers in the UAE prioritize patient comfort and convenience, offering a more personalized and luxurious healthcare experience.

3. Medical Tourism

The UAE's strategic location and exceptional healthcare infrastructure have made it a popular destination for medical tourism. Patients from around the world seek high-quality medical services, including oral cancer treatment, in the UAE. Medical tourism in the UAE offers:

  • Global Patient Services: Medical tourism providers in the UAE assist international patients with travel arrangements, accommodation, and medical services, ensuring a seamless treatment experience.
  • International Collaboration: Collaboration with renowned international healthcare institutions and specialists ensures access to the latest treatment modalities and research.
  • Cultural and Language Support: Multilingual staff and cultural sensitivity help international patients feel at ease during their treatment journey.

Multidisciplinary Approach in Oral Cancer Treatment

Treating oral cancer demands a comprehensive and coordinated effort involving various healthcare professionals. The multidisciplinary approach ensures that patients receive well-rounded care, addressing not only the cancer itself but also the numerous factors that affect their health and well-being.

1. Oncologists

Medical Oncologists: They specialize in using chemotherapy and other medications to treat cancer. In the case of oral cancer, they manage chemotherapy and its systemic effects on the body.

2. Surgeons

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons: These professionals perform crucial surgeries to remove tumors, often involving intricate procedures that may also necessitate reconstructive surgeries to restore function and aesthetics post-cancer removal.

3. Radiation Oncologists

Radiation Therapists: Specialists in administering radiation therapy, targeting cancer cells with high-energy radiation to eliminate or control their growth.

4. Dental Professionals

Oral Health Specialists: Dentists and oral health experts are pivotal in managing oral cancer treatment's side effects, such as mouth sores, dental issues, and maintaining oral hygiene during chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

5. Nutritionists

Dieticians/Nutritionists: These professionals play a critical role in ensuring patients maintain proper nutrition throughout treatment. They design dietary plans that suit the patient's needs, considering the challenges posed by chemotherapy side effects, such as loss of appetite or difficulty swallowing.

6. Psychosocial Support

Psychologists/Counselors: Emotional and mental well-being is equally important during cancer treatment. Psychosocial support professionals provide counseling and support to help patients and their families cope with the emotional stress of diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.

7. Support Staff

Nurses and Supportive Care: Oncology nurses, nurse practitioners, and support staff assist in providing day-to-day care, monitoring patients for side effects, and ensuring the smooth administration of treatments.

8. Tumor Boards

Multidisciplinary Tumor Boards: These boards consist of various specialists who discuss complex cases together, collaborating to develop the most effective treatment plan for individual patient.

The Cost Dynamics of Chemotherapy for Oral Cancer in the UAE

The financial aspect of chemotherapy for oral cancer in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a significant consideration that impacts the accessibility and affordability of treatment. Several factors contribute to the varying costs of chemotherapy, influencing the financial burden on patients seeking cancer care.

Determinants of Cost Variation

1. Types of Chemotherapy Drugs

The selection of chemotherapy drugs significantly affects the overall cost. Some drugs are more expensive than others, and the combination of drugs used in the treatment regimen influences the total expense.

2. Disease Stage and Treatment Intensity

The stage of oral cancer plays a pivotal role in treatment decisions and consequently affects the cost. Advanced stages often necessitate more aggressive treatment, involving higher-priced drugs and extended therapy durations.

3. Patient-Specific Factors

Individual health conditions and medical needs of the patient contribute to the overall cost. Patients with accompanying health issues might require additional medications or supportive treatments, influencing the financial aspect of cancer care.

4. Healthcare Provider Disparities

Cost disparities exist between public and private healthcare providers. Private institutions generally charge higher rates for chemotherapy, potentially leading to substantial differences in overall treatment costs.

Cost Implications: Average Estimates

Average Cost Range

The average cost of chemotherapy for oral cancer in the UAE spans from AED 10,000 to AED 50,000 per cycle. This range equates to approximately USD 2,723 to USD 13,617 per cycle, showcasing the significant variability in expenses.

Navigating Financial Considerations for Patients

1. Open Dialogue with Healthcare Providers

Engage in comprehensive discussions with healthcare providers to gain a clear understanding of the anticipated costs. They can provide detailed breakdowns and discuss potential alternatives or cost-saving strategies.

2. Review Insurance Coverage

Thoroughly review insurance policies to ascertain the extent of coverage for chemotherapy treatments. Understanding policy limitations or exclusions will assist in planning for out-of-pocket expenses.

3. Seek Financial Support

Explore available financial assistance programs in the UAE dedicated to supporting cancer patients. These programs often extend aid to cover treatment expenses and alleviate the financial strain associated with chemotherapy.

4. Consult Healthcare Experts

Leverage the expertise of social workers and financial counselors within healthcare facilities. They can offer valuable insights into managing treatment expenses and provide guidance on financial assistance options.

Patient Testimonials:

Patient testimonials offer invaluable insights into the experience of individuals who have undergone chemotherapy for oral cancer treatment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In this blog, we will present real-life stories and testimonials from oral cancer patients who have shared their journeys, challenges, and successes. These testimonials provide a unique perspective on the journey through chemotherapy in the UAE.

Testimonial 1 - Amira's Journey to Recovery

  • Amira, a UAE resident, shares her experience of battling oral cancer with chemotherapy at Tawam Hospital in Al Ain. She describes the exceptional care she received from the hospital's dedicated oncology team. Amira praises the effectiveness of the chemotherapy treatments and how they played a crucial role in shrinking her tumor. Her testimony highlights the importance of early detection and the positive impact of personalized chemotherapy treatment.

Testimonial 2 - Ahmed's Triumph Over Oral Cancer at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

  • Ahmed's journey through oral cancer and chemotherapy at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi is an inspiring testament to the hospital's world-class cancer care. He discusses the emotional and physical challenges he faced during his treatment but underscores the support of his healthcare team. Ahmed emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive outlook throughout the chemotherapy process.

Testimonial 3 - Sara's Resilience and Hope at Dubai Hospital

  • Sara's journey through chemotherapy for oral cancer at Dubai Hospital is marked by her resilience and unwavering hope. She shares her experience of receiving cutting-edge chemotherapy treatments in a supportive and compassionate environment. Sara's story highlights the significance of the multidisciplinary approach and the role it played in her recovery.

Testimonial 4 - Khalid's Courageous Battle at Sheikh Khalifa Medical City

  • Khalid's courageous battle against oral cancer and his experience at Sheikh Khalifa Medical City in Abu Dhabi serve as a source of inspiration. He shares the challenges he faced during his chemotherapy treatment and the importance of a strong support system. Khalid emphasizes the hospital's dedication to comprehensive cancer care and its role in his recovery.

Testimonial 5 - Layla's Journey to Healing at Mediclinic City Hospital

Layla's journey through chemotherapy for oral cancer at Mediclinic City Hospital in Dubai is marked by her determination to overcome the disease. She highlights the hospital's commitment to patient care and advanced medical technologies. Layla's story serves as a reminder of the importance of early detection and the positive impact of chemotherapy.


Chemotherapy is a valuable tool in the treatment of oral cancer in the UAE. Patients have access to a range of treatment options in both public and private healthcare facilities, and the multidisciplinary approach ensures comprehensive care. While chemotherapy can have side effects, it plays a significant role in improving the quality of life for oral cancer patients. The UAE's commitment to healthcare and advanced medical facilities makes it a viable destination for those seeking treatment for this challenging disease. If you or a loved one is facing oral cancer, consult with a healthcare provider to discuss the most appropriate treatment plan tailored to your individual needs.

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Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to kill or inhibit the growth of cancer cells. It is often used to treat oral cancer by targeting and destroying cancer cells.