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كم سنة يأخذ السرطان من حياتك؟

14 Jun, 2022

Blog author iconفريق هيلث تريب


When first diagnosed with cancer, many people are concerned about the type of cancer they have. Whether it’s treatable or not. And how many years does this cancer take of your life? Here we’ve discussed the same. Keep reading to learn more.

Is it possible to live longer after cancer treatment?

Yes, it is possible to live a long life while suffering from cancer. Although being diagnosed with cancer is still considered a death sentence, the majority of cancers are treatable.

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العثور على مستحضرات التجميل المناسبة الإجراء لاحتياجاتك.

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نحن متخصصون في مجموعة واسعة من إجراءات التجميل


Longevity of people who survived childhood cancer:

According to the statistics based on the general population, persons who have survived childhood cancer are at least six times more likely to develop subsequent cancer, according to the study. Those who have received a bone marrow transplant are eight times more likely than their siblings to become weak as they age.

Long-term steroid treatment for cancer patients increases the risk of cataracts, brittle bones or osteoporosis, nerve damage, increased susceptibility to infections, skin thinning, and decreased wound healing.

حساب تكلفة العلاج، والتحقق من الأعراض، استكشاف الأطباء والمستشفيات

Other anticancer medications have a higher risk of causing heart disease, heart failure, thyroid problems, arthritis, muscle weakness, hearing loss, kidney and liver damage, diarrhea, and infertility.

Are there any chances of developing a second type of cancer? If so, who is at risk?

Some cancer survivors are concerned about contracting another type of cancer. Although it is uncommon, some patients acquire second cancer. This malignancy could be unrelated to the first. A person is more likely to develop a second type of cancer if they have been exposed to-

-Tobacco smoke

الإجراءات الأكثر شعبية في الهند

عيب الحاجز الأذيني (

خصم يصل إلى 80%

تقييم 90%


عيب الحاجز الأذيني (ASD) )

تصوير الأوعية التاجي

خصم يصل إلى 80%

تقييم 90%


تصوير الأوعية التاجية والتدخل التاجي عن طريق الجلد CAG

تصوير الأوعية التاجي

خصم يصل إلى 80%

تقييم 90%


تصوير الأوعية التاجية CAG/ CAG عبر الشعاعي

زراعة الكبد

خصم يصل إلى 80%

تقييم 90%


زراعة الكبد

استبدال الورك الكلي-

خصم يصل إلى 80%

تقييم 90%


استبدال الورك الكلي-B/L

-Agents that cause cancer, such as certain chemicals

-The sun's ultraviolet radiation (especially skin cancer).

-Advanced years.

-Inherited genetic flaws (5 percent of cancer).

Unhealthy habits such as:


-Unhealthy eating habits.

-Excessive alcohol consumption.

sedentary way of life.

-Obesity is a problem.

What is the cancer survival rate?

Cancer survival rates or statistics indicate the percentage of people who survive a specific type of cancer over a given period of time. Cancer statistics frequently utilize a five-year overall survival rate.

Survival rates are typically expressed as percentages.

Limitations of the cancer survival rate:

Other limitations exist when it comes to survival rates. They can not, for example:

  • provide you with information about the most recent treatments. The people in the most recent cancer data were diagnosed more than five years ago. Any current therapeutic discoveries will have no effect on survival rates for at least five years.
  • tell you which therapy to select. That is entirely up to you and your doctor. Some people will choose the treatment that has the highest likelihood of remission. However, many people consider additional aspects, including side effects, cost, and treatment schedule, while making their selection.

Also, Read - Stage 4 Breast Cancer Survival Rate By Age

Should you consider the cancer survival rate seriously?

It is entirely up to you whether you want to know the survival rates for your specific type and stage of cancer. Because survival rates cannot tell you anything about your specific situation, you may find the numbers impersonal and unhelpful. However, some patients are obsessed with learning everything they can about their cancer. As a result, you may want to be aware of all relevant statistics.

Knowing all about your cancer might reduce the anxiety associated with it. However, a survival rate that includes detailed numbers and statistics can be confusing. Ask your doctor if you want to know more about it. They will help you to understand these numbers in the simplest possible way.

How can we help with the treatment?

If you are in search of a cancer treatment hospital in India, we will serve as your guide throughout your treatment and will be physically present with you even before your treatment begins. The following will be provided to you:

  • Opinions of expert physicians and surgeons
  • Transparent communication
  • Coordinated care
  • Prior appointment with specialists
  • Assistance with hospital formalities
  • 24*7 availability
  • Arrangements for travel
  • Assistance for accommodation and healthy recovery
  • Assistance in emergencies

Our team at Healthtrip is dedicated to offering the highest quality health care to our patients. We have a team of highly qualified and devoted health professionals that will be by your side from the beginning of your journey.

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علاجات العافية

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علاجات فقدان الوزن، والتخلص من السموم، والتوتر، والعلاجات التقليدية، والتمزقات الصحية لمدة 3 أيام والمزيد

تقييم 95% للتجربة الرائعة والاسترخاء

عيب الحاجز الأذيني (ASD) ) في تايلاند

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